Sunday, October 31, 2010

social media

I am not the most computer savvy person out there but I have enjoyed exploring different sites, topics, and films. Personally I prefer sites that allow me to find indy bands and that allow me to talk with friends and family online. I also enjoy being able to express my opinion openly and without people criticizing me but that also allows me to explore others views. I couldn't get into second life but I did enjoy the short clip on virtual guantanamo bay. I think its a good way for people to learn and in some way experience what is going on in the world. One site that i found interesting is Firedoglake I enjoy exploring political sites and although I am very liberal I still like going into conservative sites because I want to learn why they feel the way they do (don't think i've done a good job in understanding the other side). My best friend from highschool is going to start his own site and asked me to participate. Even though he has a degree in business and wants business to be one of the main issues on the site he also wants it to have a variety of other topics covered. He feels its important to communicate with others about different political social issues. I've tentatively agreed but I know it will be a challenge. I've always had a hard time sticking to a site. I prefer myspace because of the music and don't care much for facebook. In the end this will be a learning process and exploring FDL site and different forms of media for this class is going to help me become more comfortable with this type of media.

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