Blogging, vlogging and other online mobile tools have become key components in maximizing the distribution of film. A producer of a documentary should incorporate and explore these possible avenues.
I don't think the producers of Deliver Us From Evil took advantage of these methods of distribution. The following link Deliver Us From Evil provides a brief description on the film, director and a review. The site is quite dull and judging by the colors, if i'd happen to click on this link browsing the web, i'd probably quickly click away due to the overall amateur feel and look of the page. The Deliver Us From Evil site does allow you to share the content through social networking sites but that's as far as it goes.
I currently track films through Facebook pages or Youtube. A movie or documentary that has a Facebook page prior to it's release can provide detailed information about the film and generate a buzz. For example this film Dirty Pictures has a Facebook page and has built a community that can discuss the film, view photos, and be updated with releases. The creators of the page would gradually share more information about the film as it was being put together. This allowed followers of the page to have a connection from beginning to end and become invested in the film as they tracked it's progression.
I think documentaries are unique and often deal with sensitive/controversial content that won't receive the same distributing outlets as a big budget mainstream film e.g., commercials on your television. Offering a web based community to participate in can bring people to you. A little quote from a film called Field of Dreams, "if you build it, they will come."
i also feel the same way about small documentaries, they need you tube and netflix and blogs and blogs to help get them seen by a huger mainstreem audience.i do agree that if you offer a web based communuity for others to join it will attract huge amounts of people..Daniel Frias jr.