In the ever growing digital media world, Vimeo has emerged as one of my favorite video hosts. Far too many times have I navigated through other video sharing sites and been flooded with advertisements and spam! This site weeds out a lot that unwanted content, it doesn't permit commercial videos, gaming videos, pornography, or anything not created by the user to be hosted on the site. This is exciting because I visit these sites for specific reasons and slimming down the crap content makes for a far better experience. It's fair to
say that Vimeo caters to visual arts and is an artistic outlet, which provides a lot of beautiful imagery.
With roughly over 3 million users, about 16,0000 new videos uploaded daily, 10% of which are in HD. Speaking of HD, Vimeo was the first video sharing site to support High Definition playback, (720p) the majority of time that I watch something on Vimeo, the quality is far superior to that of Youtube's. Honestly I think the minimal approach and the focus on quality over quantity has won me over. This site is where it's at!

thats ptetty good quality 720 p,,i am going to look at this website thanks i needed a website to download my favorite videos i was getting tired of you tube lo,,thanks Daniel Frias