Friday, October 8, 2010

In a world where documentaries gross a fraction of that of commercial films, networking is everything.

As I've become more interested in internet blogging or vlogging, I have come to see a proliferation of independent filmmakers incorporating different ways to reach out to their audiences. These different methods of branching out can be seen as social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter are utilized. The intent to reach out and distribute through these means can be very beneficial, especially when people recognize the potential of a film, and want to help.

Blogging and vlogging have become seemingly easy ways to reach out to a population. People are no longer isolated in thought and in culture--internet blogging has procured a way for people to communicate on many different levels.

In a recent documentary, yet to be released, I have witnessed an upsurge in activity resulting from internet blogging and vlogging. The film, The Spirit Molecule, is a recently developed documentary, adapted from a scientific and psychedelic informative book on the powerful hallucinogen, DMT. Through the course of a year, I have heavily followed the process of a new movie coming out through networking sites such as Facebook and Youtube. Seeing this process before my eyes has increasingly stimulated my interest in the film, and has made me feel that I have a role in its success. This has been advantageous for the filmmakers, as the growth of the film will simultaneously result in it monetary success and individual fulfillment.

All in all, blogging and vlogging have the potential to incur great success for documentary films. However, by no means does this mean a horribly done movie will have success--quite the contrary. It would sort of be like that movie that everybody knows about but doesn't want to see.


  1. Eric - you might want to take a look at a new tool called STORIFY. It's at It's a new tool that enables you to create and tell a story from social media - using Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube as elements in the story. It would be interesting for you to sign up and create a social media-based story for The Spirit Molecule!

  2. It would be interesting to create a "response to" combination of medias based on your experience in this class. And to utlize all of the platforms & formats involved. In our "spare time" of course!

  3. WOW! That's pretty neat! I think it has some potential.


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