Is there anything worse in the world then someone who preys on young children for sex??? I can't believe that this guy is out in the world a free man. The way he talks in the movie with an almost carefree attitude, even smiling sometimes during his interview. Well, then the whole thing with the church covering things up and taking care of their own instead of the victims. I have a long list of things wrong with organized religion and this subject tops that list.
I think by just making this movie as a platform of media to help spread the word on the problem of sexual abuse of kids by priests. I do think maybe they could add a website where viewers of the movie could go and express their feelings about the movie and crate a place that of on going concern that maybe some further action could take place. Maybe just by people expressing their outrage about these priest could even help the victim not feel so alone, maybe a website something like this http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=sexual+abuse+in+the+catholic+church&FORM=BIFD#focal=f916e6cfb548003373f084aada719e18&furl=http%3A%2F%2Fpages.swcp.com%2F~jnelson%2Fart%2Fwcasd-logo3a.gif
I do think that interactive and multi media platforms are good in cases like this.... to help spread the word and get the word out what's going on with these sexual predators. Well, I guess it's not good for the catholic church and their reputation. I think it could push some people on the fence about religion away from their belief, which could be a good thing. I feel like places like youtube are a good platform to help people have a place to spread their thoughts and feeling to the rest of the world, kind of postings like this http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/catholic-church-admits-child-abuse-27-nov-09/313ea6bc5798e29727cd313ea6bc5798e29727cd-281491473729?q=sexual%20abuse%20in%20the%20catholic%20church&FROM=LKVR5>1=LKVR5&FORM=LKVR4 or this one from BBC to let people know about a hotline setup for sexual abuse victims .http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8594316.stm
Over all I just think any type of media is a great way to shed some light on the catholic church deep dark secret.
it's interesting in the first of your Bing searches I saw a bunch of graphics related to the issue including one that was an advertisement for a law firm that specializes in cases of sexual abuse by either Cathiloc or Jewish religious leaders! http://sexualabusebyreligiousleaders.com
ReplyDeleteI think you're right that there should be more resources readily available to help the victims. Unfortunately the topic also lends itself to teenage boy guttural humor. It's unbelievable that this man has such a seemingly comfortable life and has no understanding of his crimes.
At the end of the day, one might consider this. The monster in this film walks the earth as a priest. He swore sacred vows before an alter dedicated to the worship of his God. By extension, his God, as stated in his Holy Book, the Bible will be his final judge. While we as humans are fallible, the God referred to in this religion is promised to be infallible & divine. And assures us there will be a final judgment & eternal damnation & punishment...a faint glimmer of hope for his victims.