So the documentary for this week was a tad boring. The Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore was at times stale. It felt like you were sitting in a lecture hall with all the graphs that were presented got a bit jumbled at times and didn't really have that wow effect. What was good about it was when he presented the images comparing the glaciers for example in different areas of the world where you could actually see the change that had occurred. It was also good at the end to see what we could do as individuals to make changes in ourselves which he made seem easy to do. Now as far as global warming being true the ICT convinced me fully that there are big issues there, and we need to make changes now. I had no doubt in my mind. While looking on the web however I noticed a lot more skeptics than websites that tried to promote change or spread the word of how the world is being affected. They bash Al Gore and believe he is trying to scam people and get money and recognition. I can say I don't really believe these stories. I found on the National Geographic website some good straight forward facts that are science proven. This channel on TV has great credibility, which makes me trust the facts presented. The web link is http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/global-warming/gw-effects/
As far as web games go I feel that it's great exposure and a learning tool for young kids so they can learn about this when they are young. This will have a positive effect so at a young age they are able to make changes and live more energy conscious. There are a few interesting ones that I saw where you can build your own city towards a sustainable energy future. But are these games just showing kids fun and distracting them on the real hardcore issues? I think in a way they are, yes, they are learning about the environment but in the end its just playing games staring at a computer screen. But it's possible they are taking things away from these games. They are at least learning a little and opening their minds to it.
I'm worried however about all these negative videos I saw on you tube. There was defiantly more negative than positive on GW. What if kids are watching these videos and being affected by them and just brushing the issues away that they are learning because of these skeptics. And it's not just the children it's adults too with people like Glenn Beck talking against global warming, and brushing it off will there ever be change?
People need to stay on course with this because in the end if it is really all a hoax the change we implement will not have a negative effect it can only make the environment a better place to be. So changing is for the better and being more healthy as a whole. Stop debating and just make the change, the personal changes are easy to do. Here is a website that explains how to do so.
Allison, you express your views very well. Your choice of photo, the polar bear, has its own WOW factor too! Question: why choose to play with a simulation, instead of learning through hands on, real world experience. Nothing like getting your hands dirty to teach/learn just how far we have to go to restore a balance to our global eco-system. I found it interesting that the new website for Becky from Jesus Camp condemns the worship of nature, or mother earth philosophies. Don't you think there is a strange disconnect between corporate eco games, and science based environmental alarm?