Thursday, November 4, 2010

SLLA at Second Life or virtual terrorism 2.0

Grand Theft Auto
With all respect to the many intelligent and talented people involved in developing virtual platforms, avatars and a big shout out to the makers of Grand Theft Auto, I would have to say, the multi platform world of avatars, like smart games, is not where I would choose to spend much time.  Having researched the history of Second Life I am amazed at the kind of time people have invested in this construct.   I welcome any and all outlets where a good story may be told.  Or even better, where a good doc film may be viewed and gain a life of its own.  Gaming platforms with avatars built like Laura Croft?  Why not?  The choice of an Avatar, much like the choice of a pet can be fairly interesting when compared to the person doing the choosing.  I was hoping for a dog as an avatar.  I like talking animals.

While I still make doc films & stop action Japanese Sci-Fi inspired animation shorts, part of my current day job involves searching for & uncovering sources of terrorist funding in the very real world of the 21st century.  My only obvious qualification for this type of work is that I am really good at CLUE. Imagine my surprise when I began reading articles from 2006, 2007 & 2008 about terrorist attacks by the SLLA in the virtual world of Second Life.  (And yes I found most of this by searching the web)

I find this  germane to our discussion of Nonny de la Pena's epic effort with Unconstitutional & Gitmo.  To 'get' Gitmo I do not need to be caged in a virtual world.  I already have the picture literally, in real time from AbuGrabe to Guantanimo.  I agree with  another classmate, that if this parallel world of virtual experience ellicits a reaction and wakes people up to the behavior

exhibited under the rubric American Patriotism make more! 

But I question the intrusion of the real into the virtual universe. Quantum physics notwithstanding, universes do collide.  Apparently in 2006 Second Life, founded by Linden Labs experienced an exponential growth in new participants, and the
creators of  Second Life
construct of real world companies in this virtual world aka 'Mona Lisa Overdrive'The established participants of Second Life formed the SLLA/Second Life Liberation Army in protest.  They issued a manifesto claiming as "residents" of the world of Second Life they should have some say in the decision making at
Linden Lab. Demanding:  "The establishment of basic 'rights' for Second Life players.  Having consulted widely we now believe the best vehicle for this is Linden Labs to offer public shares in the company.  We propose that each player is able to buy one share for a set-price.  This would serve both the development of the world and provide the beginnings of representations for avatars (residents of the virtual world) in Second Life." 

The SLLA organized and executed several terrorist attacks on the virtual sites of various Real World companies.  These terrorist attacks began in 2006 continuing through 2007.  To emphasize again, these were virtual terrorist attacks upon virtual constructs in a virtual world.   The SLLA was really creative in their planned attacks, planting bombs outside the Reebok store. In questionable taste, they flew a helicopter into the Nissan building.  The SLLA bombed the ABC store and bum rushed their way 'into' the American Apparel store incuring acceptable civilian losses of virtual customers.  Do virtual
causalities and "androids dream of electric sheep"?

While some of us may find this to be a "get a life” moment; the Real World companies that were attacked in the virtual world of Second Life were real serious in their responses.  Real World Nissan responded as if this occurred in the Real World.  Online virtual Nissan sent in a virtual crew to clean up the crime scene, had virtual bodies removed and put into virtual coffins.  Worth noting, virtual Nissan did NOT close their business in real life or Second Life.  Real World ABC responded by taking action to protect their online/virtual sites.  ABC's most popular site known as Sandbox had the capability of interactive object construction.  ABC found the site was being abused; objects that were offensive/inappropriate were posted in the aftermath of the 'terrorist attack'.  ABC began monitoring the site on a regular basis and back tracing all visitors to the site.  The Real World American Apparel store was the only company attacked to close their virtual business and move out of Second Life. 

We are being asked to evaluate the different platforms available online as emerging digital media and to evaluate their application in the world of 2010-2011.  We are invited to work with a gaming platform as part of this assignment.  The "how and why" of utilization as applied to these digital platforms is still being determined.  This bit of web history could be dismissed as a very Gibson cyber punk moment.  In hindsight we might be tempted to write it off to a more idealistic, naive, momentary expression of fascination with avatars & a new media. 

It might be an amusing story of a group of people with too much time on their hands, except for the seriousness with which the Federal Government regards ANY form of terrorist attack.  An attack on access to free trade, even in a cyber world is considered an attack on the real world.  It was not by accident that the 9/11 attacks took place on the World Trade Center.  The fall out from this is an interesting read. Our own military executes Real World precision bombing missions with these gaming platforms & drones.  The virtual world is also utilized as one more way to teach & recruit would be very Real World Terrorists
National Security is cold blooded in their response to perceived terrorist attacks in the Real World and in Gitmo world 

Linden Labs, avatars, machinima videos, smart games and even Grand Theft Auto are all powerful teaching tools when used with purpose.  Laptops, smart phones, i-pods connect your every moment to the world wide web, accessing all the digital platforms we consider every week.  By our usage and purpose we can recut/reframe/reuse any and all source material available.  We redefine the phrase 'by any means necessary'  everytime we log on.  If you are interested in reading more regarding the SLLA please comment & I will send the URL’s 

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